Your Ability is dependent upon your Availability!
If you were asked "what's more important in your career Ability or Availability?" what would your response be and why? I contend it's not even close.
Your Ability is dependent upon your Availability!
When we talk about availability it's not about your contract expiration and when you are legally able to make a career move. We need to think about availability more in terms of accessibility. Let's put it in context, there are three components critical to your career success:
First, you need to be open and make yourself vulnerable. You need to be available to learn and advance your skill set and network. You can only enhance your abilities if you are open to receive, especially feedback and coaching. Want a terrific podcast on taking and processing tough feedback? Adam Grant & Melody Hobson right here>
Next, you need to make yourself available to others, to give. When you give of yourself to mentor or coach, not only is it our moral responsibility to serve others, you'll be building your network and flexing your muscles around critical thinking. These are important traits you consistently see in the most successful people you know.
Finally, the greatest advancements in your career come when opportunity and execution converge. You create opportunities when you make yourself visible and available. When it comes to social platforms, I'm certainly bias.
If you are in TV News and Entertainment, I believe if you focus on LinkedIn and, and commit to keep your presence accurate and current, you'll have significantly richer future opportunities.
In summary, the biggest dependency to enhancing your abilities is your availability.
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